My first garden videos – carrot harvest

  • I had an idea last night to make some videos of my garden… so here goes and I almost didn’t upload this because I look goofy and the video is not great but hey I am swallowing all pride for the sake of showing you how the carrot harvest went. I saw the top of one of the carrots a few days ago and was so excited to pull them up. Darn… they were smaller than I thought. Sooo next time I will leave them in longer. (Patience has never been one of my virtues.) My daughter was nice enough to take a few videos of me today with my iphone. For some reason she thinks it’s funny when I talk on camera, so sorry for the real side of my life…and I was too lazy to edit. I am looking for a new cameraman if you know of one.
    Carrot Harvest can be found here:

    and cause I’m feeling brave….
    a short garden tour can be found here:

    hope this all works!
    enjoy the pics too.

    my carrots just before harvest

    carrots after harvest

    they got married!

    December 7th, 2012 | 5 Comments |

5 Responses and Counting...

  • Katie Kristy 12.07.2012

    My kids love fresh carrots. Are you going to grow them again? when do you plant them?

  • Mine dont grow very long either. It might be the variety you planted. I like the raised beds.

  • Jason,
    Thanks for the suggestion – i don’t know the variety I planted, it was just in a package. I will look better next time. I am going to go over the Sweet Organic Solutions and see if they have any better seeds.

  • Hi! I think your carrots look great. They will never grow really long in a raised bed because they have a long tap root that takes up the water. Once that spindly little root at the pointy end of the carrot hits the base, the carrots will stop growing. Show gardeners grow carrots in deep buckets or even trash cans!
    I suggest you harvest all of them soon.
    How deep are your raised beds? I grow in 6″-150mm.
    All your produce looks fantastic. I’d say you are at least a month ahead of us in London UK

  • Wendy,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me about carrots and their spindly little root, I had no idea! It makes sense to me!
    I will harvest them very soon and plant something else there – my okra would be perfect there. My beds are 8 inches deep and I find that it is plenty to produce a healthy high producing garden. Best of luck to you and wishing you an early spring with bright sunshine!

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