Harvest today… greens

  • It is so windy today – a cold front came in early this morning and it will get cold enough for me to have to cover everything. I have been meaning to add ties onto my plankets so they don’t blow away, but I didn’t get around to it so I will be using clamps to keep them on. I picked all this from my garden today. These greens loved to be picked and they just grow right back again. I have lots of green tomatoes but I think it hasn’t been warm enough to turn them red and they are taking their own sweet time ripening. We should be back to warmer weather soon. I really have been spoiled with this mild winter. Tonight I am making turnip greens for dinner. I really planted the turnips for my mom because she loves turnips but I found out that I planted the seeds that make the greens, and not the kind that make big turnips. For how to cook them, I found a recipe with bacon (which I remember eating them that way as a child) HERE if you want the directions. I will wash and cut up the collards, kale and swiss chard for smoothies. I put them in baggies and freeze them and it is super easy to throw them in a smoothie when I want one. Better get to cooking.
    Hoping your Holidays are going well! Melanie

    December 20th, 2012 | No Comments |

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