How to care for your garden

  • In the past year and a half I have learned a few things about caring for a garden. I had never been successful at gardening, even though I had always wanted to garden so it’s all been a learning process. Here’s a short list of what works for me.

    1. Water daily. Only exception is if it rains. Never water the leaves, always water the soil. This helps prevent diseases that the leaves can get if they are wet. A few times a week I water very good so that the water drips through the tubs and I know they got watered deeply.

    3. Fertilize weekly. In the beginning, I used miracle grow and had success with it, not knowing many other options. I have now included other fertilizers which are organic. It is up to you and what you prefer, but it is important to fertilize weekly. One natural way to add nutrients to your garden is to compost. I do compost. I love the smell of dark black compost and I am sure my garden loves it too. Another name for compost is “black gold” because it is so good for a garden. More on composting soon.

    4. Use super thrive when you can. I try to remember to use it weekly but don’t always do it. It is a plant vitamin that is a boost to a garden but not a replacement for fertilizers. It smells just like those liquid vitamins I gave my babies when they were tiny. I don’t know much else about it, but it helps. I buy super thrive at Wal-mart and Home Depot. It is about ten dollars a bottle so use sparingly to make it last.

    5. Watch for bugs and use something to control them. (In the summer I treat bugs weekly) I use seven dust liquid and powder sparingly and other organic bug methods as well. Use what you prefer but do check under the leaves weekly. I have several lizards and lady bugs that help with bugs too!



    April 7th, 2013 | 6 Comments |

6 Responses and Counting...

  • Do you ever have aphid infestations? If so, anything that works well for them? We do the sprays, the liquid soap, but somehow the last few years they just won’t leave us alone. Always looking for new ideas if you have it.

  • I do have aphids and fight them in number of ways. I try the soap spray and also hope my lizards and lady bugs can keep them at bay. I pick off leaves that have them and check very often, especially in the summer. As a last resort I use liquid seven and it seems to get them. I lost six bell pepper plants last year to a major infestation, as they can multiply so quickly! Good luck and please stay in touch! Melanie

  • I just found this on the internet and I am going to give it a try!

    Baking Soda Fungicide Spray
    Baking soda has lots of uses in the garden. Flour and baking soda mixed together can be sprinkled around the garden and on affected plants to deter cabbage worms and aphids. Baking soda can also be used to avoid fungus. It will not cure a current fungus problem, but it can prevent the spread. The same can be said of all natural fungicidal sprays. Here’s a make-at-home recipe.

    1 gallon of water

    1 tablespoon of baking soda

    1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

    1 tablespoon of liquid castile soap or natural dishwashing liquid

    Spray lightly on foliage of plants afflicted with fungus or mildew. Avoid over-using or pouring on the soil.

    I found it on this site:

  • Hi Melanie,

    I don’t find those in Walmart or Homedepot. Do you still get them and where?
    Thank you!

    1. SuperThrive
    2. MicroLife 6-2-4 All Organic Biological Fertilizer

  • Celia,
    I buy SuperThrive at Walmart and Home Depot. Ask for it in the garden department.
    As for the Microlife, I buy that at a local garden store called Sweet Organic Solutions in Pearland, Texas.

    I just researched and found you can order SuperThrive online – here is the website:

    Good luck to you!

  • Celia,
    Hi! Our Walmart and Home Depot both sell the SuperThrive. You can buy it online here:

    You can also order the MicroLife online here but the shipping is so high I would ask around locally to see if a farm equipment store carries it or a local nursery.

    Good luck to you!

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