• Big News! We built a greenhouse!

    February 2nd, 2021 | My Garden | Melanie | No Comments

    I am so excited to finally get back to posting on here and sharing what I have been doing in the gardening world! We moved and it’s been super busy with life, but we were finally able to build our dream greenhouse. Here are some pics! Much more to come! It’s good to be back! […]

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  • It’s a great time to start a garden!

    May 12th, 2020 | My Garden | Melanie | No Comments

    With COVID and all that has been happening in the world, it couldn’t be a better time to start growing your own food! I have moved and will be starting a new garden/ greenhouse build very soon, so check back for updates and pictures. My daughter just put in a 4 box garden in the […]

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  • Happy Spring! I’m still here!

    April 24th, 2018 | My Garden | Melanie | 20 Comments

    Hi! I am still offering these garden plans if you are thinking of starting a garden this spring! It is the perfect time! I am headed to Utah in a week to build two for my daughter! She is soo excited to start her spring garden. Happy Spring Everyone! Melanie

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  • Welcome Spring!

    March 25th, 2017 | My Garden | Melanie | 3 Comments

    Welcome Spring! It’s been busy and crazy but so happy spring is here! I am looking forward to planting my spring garden! Wishing everyone joy and happiness as you enjoy outdoors! ~Melanie

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  • Spring garden growing!

    May 17th, 2015 | Basil, Cucumber, My Garden, Peppers, Tomatoes | Melanie | 7 Comments

    Here’s a bunch of pictures from my spring garden. The cucumbers are finally starting to climb up the trellis. The last time I grew them, they took off up high, this time they didn’t get the memo to climb up, and lazily have stayed low. I have lots of tomatoes growing and picked two bell […]

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  • Just a pinch

    April 14th, 2015 | Basil, Celery, My Garden, Oranges, Tomatoes | Melanie | 4 Comments

    I spent some time this week pinching. Basil loves to be pinched. I pinch the tops off each time I am in my garden and it seems to grow bigger and bushier. I pinched the lower leaves off my tomato plants too. Also, I found mushrooms! Mushrooms in your garden soil is a sign of […]

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