Facinating onions and more

  • Here are a few pictures I recently took in my garden. The weather here in Texas has started to get warm, so my garden is really growing. My basil was tiny sprouts back on March 31st and just six weeks later it is a small healthy plant. My first spring cucumber is a little misshapen but the bees are buzzing in all the flowers so I should have many bigger ones to come. My okra is growing well and it will be hard to reach it someday as it grows super tall.

    Also pictured are the tomatoes on the wire trellis and the bell peppers and basil.  I staked my peppers because they started to get top-heavy and droop over.

    The egyptian walking onions are so fascinating! The bulb that forms at the top of the stalk breaks out and falls to the soil, making roots and starting another onion stalk. They are so pretty to look at – nature is amazing!

    I harvested green beans today but didn’t have time for pictures. I joke with my husband that it takes me fifteen minutes to water my garden and check on it and an hour to take pictures, edit them, and make a blog post! I am sure fellow bloggers can relate.

    I am hoping others benefit from the pictures and information. I enjoy sharing my garden journey and hope that others get inspired to grow something and love it as much as I do.

    If you are new to my garden site, here are the benefits of gardening the Raised Urban Garden way and feel free to click around and see what else I grow.

    Happy Gardening!












    May 17th, 2013 | 7 Comments |

7 Responses and Counting...

  • I love your posts because it gets me excited for the months to come. Planting our cucumbers this weekend, have been hardening them off all week!

  • Beautiful produce. Our weather here in Nova Scotia is still cold. I just put out Parsley seedlings. My tomatoes and peppers are still under a grow light on the kitchen table.

  • Nina,
    I am lucky for the heat here but at least you aren’t fighting off the bugs then. I love the cooler months of gardening for the lesser amounts of bugs – but hang in there – sunshine is surely on it’s way.
    Thanks for sharing and let me know what you grow and how it is going! I haven’t planted parsley yet so thanks for reminding me to try it.
    best wishes,

  • I just love your photos! What grow-medium do you use? It looks very “fruitful” 🙂 and healthy, like nothing can refuse to grow in it…
    Also, Egyptian onions…where would I find them ? It is probably to late to put them out this year here in PA’s Lancaster Co..

  • Siggi,
    Hi! I start with a bagged garden soil mixed with humus or compost. I fertilize weekly and also use a product called Thrive. Here is a post about how I care for my garden:

    I found Egyptian onions at a local garden store but have also ordered them for a friend online here:

    good luck to you!!

  • Melanie, I stumbled across your website while surfing Pinterest. I have to say, as an “urban farmer” myself, I enjoyed your pics and posts. I do have one question…It appears you planted your okras in threes (as shown in pic above). Do you thin them out later? Thanks and best of luck.

  • Kathya,
    Yes I did thin them out! Thanks for asking asking and good luck to you!

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